VGC Transhuman Shells


These humanoid shells are designed with an array of pheromones and body harmonics designed to trigger instinctive responses in human-cognitive viewers.  Despite the exotic appearance of many of them, these shells are almost invariably seen as remarkably beautiful. The body harmonics required to produce this effect are grown on a genetic level from a known and adaptable genetic base, but gracefulness and beauty are a required from the immortals of Vos Prime  from those who were given this shell. The shells tactile sense are unusually sensitive, distractedly so. Also, these shells are designed to never change in their youthful appearance and take many centuries of neglect to begin breaking down.


Strength 12, Dexterity 14, Constitution 16

Basic Abilities: 

Phenomenons improve the soul’s Charisma modifier by +1, up to a maximum of +3. In addition, any social skill checks toward human minds gain a +1 bonus, or a +2 bonus if the interaction involves intimate physical contact. The shell is designed to enable prolonged physical activity granting them a +2 bonus to the Exert skill.

Affinity Abilities: 

Practiced Phenomenon users can refine the shape’s natural grace into superlative speed and precision, improving their Dexterity score to 18. By accepting 1 System Strain, forcing pheromone production and enacting nuanced imprinting gestures and motion patterns they can issue subtle commands to a specific organic human in their presence. The target must make a Mental saving throw or comply with any request that isn’t particularly distasteful to them and won’t take them more than a scene. This compulsion is almost impossible for most subjects to distinguish from simple personal persuasiveness on the Phenomenon’s part.


While an organic form lacks the durability and martial efficiency of a warbot, the Scourge is popular among martial polities that have an aversion to synthetic existence. These shells are built to allow for brief bursts of tremendous combat performance, though extended operation exhausts them more quickly than their mechanical peers. Most Scourges are human-like or humanoid in appearance, though some models favor a “war beast” appearance with manipulatory appendages. Also, these shells are designed to never change in their youthful appearance but only takes a year of neglect to start begin breaking down.


Strength 18, Dexterity 12, Constitution 18

Basic Abilities: 

A Gladius has natural weapons equivalent to a large advanced melee weapon and makes all attack rolls at a +2 bonus. It has a natural Armor Class of 15 and 20 extra hit points. By spending 2 System Strain points, it can go into a combat frenzy for the rest of the scene, improving Strength and Constitution modifier to +3 (Including hit points gained), gaining a Move rate of 15 meters per action, and gaining an additional +2 bonus to hit rolls. Scourge shells auto-stabilize at zero hit points. Any hit points lost beyond their normal level from their boosted Constitution cause immediate and dramatic death.

Affinity Abilities: 

The expert Gladius user can improve the efficiency of its combat frenzy. While active, whenever they spend a Main Action to attack, they can make two attack rolls. These rolls may either be aimed at the same target or at two different targets in range. Each attack is resolved normally, inflicting damage or Shock separately.

Flamen Dialis

This is the shell granted to the higher levels of the Vos Prime regime, the highest level human development for Vos Theory. This shell includes sophisticated integral nanofacs and hybridized tissue components to create the “perfect” human form. They are impossibly difficult to create off Vos Prime. The Flamen Dialis shell is also notable in the fact that there is no soulstone. Instead it wirelessly updates to the Vos vessel to which the soul occupying the shell is operating from. If the vessel is not present then there is no backup being continuously updated. This allows the shell to pass as human on all worlds. The shell also possesses highly optimized physiology the most obvious of these is that the shell is ageless. It never alters it's appearance from the time it was constructed and occupied.


Strength 18, Dexterity 18, Constitution 18

Basic Abilities: 

A Flamen Dialis when constructed is built with a primary and secondary mental augmentation. The Primary mental augmentation is available immediately upon occupying the shell. It grants a +1 modifier to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma, selected when the shell was constructed. The Shell also provides a psychic soul that inhabiting the shell a bonus two effort. The shell also provides 10 bonus hit points. The skin structure allows the shell to survive in a vacuum, however it does not contain any air storage so the shell would need to find air to survive in a hard vacuum, but it would be like swimming for them. This resistance gives them a natural AC of 13.

Affinity Abilities: 

The expert Flamen Dialis user can activate their secondary mental augmentation. That grants a +1 modifier to the  Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma Ability that was selected when the shell was constructed. The Shell also provides a psychic soul that inhabiting the shell another bonus of two effort, for a total of four effort. Also, system strain this shell is 24 for when it comes to any effect that tasks system strain, such as cyberware.