Weapons and Armor

Psitech Armored Vacc Skin: 

These rare psitech artifacts were originally designed for use by Psychic Authority combat teams, this skin tight armored vacc skin grants the wearer an AC modifier of +1.  It requires no oxygen  tank,  automatically  cracking  and  recycling the  wearer’s  respiration,  and can  even recycle  the wearer’s  bodily  waste  into  drinkable  water  if  necessary.  Psitech Armored Vacc  Skins  apply no penalty to  hit  rolls  or skill  checks  for  wearers.  It  suffers  tears  in  the  same way as  an armored  vacc  suit,  and requires  a type A power cell for each 24 hours of operation.

Its special ability functions only for psychics; it can allow the user to reflexively fuel the suit’s defenses with their own psychic reserves. As an Instant action, they can Commit Effort for the day to negate up to 15 points of damage from in incoming source of physical injury.  The suit is designed to be a pressure suit for shipboard use and worn under armor. It offers touch enabled retractions in the groin for using relieving oneself without having to remove the entire suit.


WRC specialized in energy based weaponry. Their products were dependent on Psitech to function,. WRC weaponry grants +2 to hit rolls and damage. They also would typically cause a psychic that is struck by a weapon to make a mental saving throw or expend one effort for the day.