Shanam Planet: Sola Xen

This planet is the home to the Wolf-Rayet Corporation Corporate Head Quarters and the Wolf-Rayet University of Sola Xen. It is the center of the manufacturing throughout the system. There are two civilizations that call this planet home. The Corporation has a very strict non-involvement policy when it comes to the colonists.

The second civilization is the descendants of the employees who chose to not leave on the "Dark Star" 10 years after the Scream.

Heavy Industry

With interstellar transport so limited in the bulk it can move, worlds have to be largely self-sufficient in industry. Some worlds are more sufficient than others, however, and this planet has a thriving manufacturing sector capable of producing large amounts of goods appropriate to its tech level. The locals may enjoy a correspondingly higher lifestyle, or the products might be devoted towards vast projects for the aggrandizement of the rulers.






Rising Hegemon

This world is not yet a dominant power in the sector, but it's well on its way there. Whether through newly-blossoming economic, military, or cultural power, they're extending their influence over their neighbors and forging new arrangements between their government and the rulers of nearby worlds.




