
Not exclusively a Transhuman polity



They are convinced that transhuman technologies will inevitably doom humanity, and that all of them should be abandoned. Society needs to prevent the dangers of reckless use of grails and should restrict their control to a qualified elite.  They are adamantly opposed to radical alterations of the human body or mind, believing that such changes threaten the basic idea of humanity. Success hinges on the cooperative effort of many factions. They are much more willing to compromise and negotiate than most other creeds. 

They love independence from transhuman technologies such as grails and body swapping.  They also love the ideal of a worthy technocracy of rule with the idea of humanity as it has been known. They are very willing building negotiated alliances to achieve their goals.

They hate any tech more advanced than standard postech. They oppose use of grails. They hate heavily altered minds and shells. They hate uncompromising extremism, regardless of its supposed virtue.