Shanam System

The Shanam system contains more than a dozen planets in a intricate weave of orbits. However, only the 4th or 5th planet in the system is capable of supporting human life, this is the same planet, the intricate orbits cause the plane to swap orbits with the 5th planet for several months out of its year.  The planet is remote to the sector, the drill path to this system is only accessible from the Hannhoy system.

However, this system is one system in the sector that contains the ruins of a Jump Gate. It was once the home to the very wealthy corporation, Wolf–Rayet Corporation (WRC), and secured its facilities with the limited Spike Drive access to the system, using the Jump Gate to bypass the Spkie Drill's restrictions of travel. The world of Shanam 4 was not completely covered with a city landscape, just the parts that that were used by WRC, the remainder of the world was never developed by them. Some settlers from the first wave of expansion had settled the planet, but they were largely folded into WRC after it settled on this planet. WRC's manufacturing base was here, they had many pillars of manufacturing and held several Mandate contracts.

The system is teeming with metadimensional energy channels and hosts major Grails all over the system to support he efforts of manufacturing. The system has 4 of these grails in AI controlled and robot managed shipyards. The resource collection was also performed by specialized expert robots and were repaired and replaced by the nearest major grail as needed.

Station 1 orbits the planet, a full planetary defensive platform, it has the latest TL5 and perhaps TL6 systems to maintain the security of the system. The station is still mostly functional.

WRC City
