Xemendi System

The Xemendi system is Sextenary start cluster with of an overwhelming 19 planets.  unlike many single star systems or even binary star systems the planets orbits seem wild and doomed to collide with one another. This has indeed happened creating several absolutely massive asteroid fields in the system.

The tireless efforts of their completely transhuman occupants and extremely favorable meta dimensional conditions allowed the entire system to thrive and be terraformed nearly completely into habitable worlds for human life. due to the planned project length, TL 5 resources and Psi manufacturing materials were stocked up on and shipped to the system as they were available in the days of the Terran Mandate. Planning for maintenance and the needs of future colonists those stockpiles of goods, supplies, and parts were set to last 1,000 years.  

However, the community included many psychic manufacturing trained psychics who were transhuman. Although they did not survive the scream they did continue to live in the silence that followed. Restraint systems in place in their shells killed them if the scream itself didn't and by the next day their last backup was uploaded into a new shell and they went back to work repairing the damage they'd caused due to the scream. The work of Terra-forming the system was not to be halted for any reason.

As the silence stretched on the community had to start developing and advancing the tech they'd gotten from earth so they slowly built a more advanced manufacturing base spanning several worlds. Mining the worlds and asteroids the system thrived, even in forced isolation.

The mandate had long ago forgotten the system was the home to a very large transhuman community and had exiled a powerful psychic here.  After the scream, the Mandate dispatched a long range exploration ship to force isolation on the Xemendi system's stars by deploying a weapon that was capable of altering the nature of the stars' gravitational field. This alteration prevented it from being able to affect Meta-dimensional space making it impossible to jump to the system.  However, it had the unintentional side effect of stabilizing the orbit of the stars around each other and the planets around the stars. This side effect allowed the work to hasten significantly. 

The commanding council of Mandate agents that led the mission had made contact with the transhuman government, once they learned of the their existence. The results of this contact did not stop the  deployment of the weapon. As to what happened to the Mandate vessel and its crew is unknown to the public.

Xemendi is only able to be traveled to via regular space, a trip that would take over 100 years for someone to traverse the void to the nearest known inhabited system. The inhabitants barely noticed their forced isolation as they toiled away in crafting their worlds.